About Us.

Yalla Rugby started out as a hobby for Alex Johnson, our Founder. He was searching for a solution to help him find a local rugby club to join in the United Arab Emirates when he first arrived here as an expat back in 2013 but there was just no quick way of finding rugby club information and all of the results and stats in one place.

There were other websites out there but they just didn’t meet the mark. This is when he decided to create his own website for the masses of rugby fans in the Gulf, looking for their weekly rugby fix, just like him.

And so, Yalla Rugby was born.

Our primary aim of the website is to encourage people from all over the world to come and play or watch rugby in the Gulf. With the game of rugby being such a social sport, it brings together people from all parts of the world, especially the expat community here in Dubai.

Newcomers to the Middle East can check out all the local domestic rugby clubs around the UAE to see which club is best suited for them. Whether it be for grass roots, women’s, social, competitive, or veterans rugby, Yalla gives you all the information you need to join a local rugby team. Each week during the season, you can check up on the latest fixtures and results or see how your favourite rugby team is performing in the leagues.

Alex Johnson

Founder / Executive Editor

  • Loves all things rugby
  • Retired 5 times
  • Dreams of playing again

Alex is a web designer and marketeer originally and loves spending time editing the site and improving the user experience. Can be seen every week around Dubai taking photos of various matches being played. Give him a shout and he’ll take your picture!

Huw Harrow


  • A keen boxer
  • Plays second row for the Sharks
  • Dabbles in film and photography

Tom is Welsh, 20 years old and a rugby fanatic. He’s played rugby from the age of 10 and refereed his first match when he was just 17. He originally moved to Dubai for an internship helping with the Social Media and videography of the Dubai Rugby 7s.